Thursday, November 03, 2005

upcoming lkp dates!

Halloween has come and gone, and it was one for the record books.  The moron award goes to me for leaving the camera on top of my amp and not taking more pictures!  There were some of the best costumes I have seen in years at both of the gigs that we played, and it was fantastic to see the turnouts we had at a new club, and the local room that is the best stage in town.  The Underground in St. Johnsbury is starting off as one of our new favorites, big room, elevator to load all the stuff in, and a huge clean bar with tons of seating, games and fun.  Thanks to all the guys who helped us load it all in (and out) and made the night a huge success.  The numbers at the Opera house were borderline crazy.  About 400 people showed up over the course of the night to hang out and celebrate Halloween with us, and they did it in style.  A couple of flashers, a couple of dicks, and some very entertaining costumes filled the place to capacity.  Thanks to Dave, Charles and the opera house staff for making this a huge success!  We will be back to do this again next year!


            My biggest problem with dressing up for Halloween is being able to be comfortable in my costume.  Over the years we have tried to be creative, and still be comfy.  This year I failed miserably!  Jason rocked it out as Hermey from Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, bill was Sam the snowman, Gord was a gord in the box one day and santa the next, and I was Yukon Cornelius.  Yukon is dressed for, well, the Yukon, and I was about to pass out after about one song.  So, off came the costume, and I guess I was a punk rocker with my red suspenders and boots, shorts and a T.  The face paint didn’t even stick, and was gone in about a minute.  Maybe sweaty guys just can’t do face paint.  Good for me.  If you saw the costumes, you were there early, and this was one of the few years that we didn’t get a group photo, so no posterity on this year.  We had a blast despite the wardrobe malfunctions, and I think we’ll all be ready for beach bum or something a little more temperature friendly in years to come. 


This week has us finally doing a full weekend at whips.  We have been there for 2 single nights in the past months, and we are ready for the full on 2 day fiesta that is Whippersnappers.  Come on down and have a blast with us this weekend, and roll into a November to remember!  We’ll be psyched to have a 2 day run so we can leave the behemoth set up and just come back to enjoy it on Saturday.  Next week is another new club for us, and it’s in the back yard we haven’t played in in a while.  Shenanigans in White River Junction, VT has been around for a number of years, but we have always played on the other side of the river.  We will be taking the stage at Shenanigans Friday night, November 11, and hope that all the old friends from the upper valley will come out and play with us!  It should be a blast, and we look forward to the chance to play in the upper valley again.  Saturday rolls on with another night at the Black Brimmer, which always makes us smile.  The Brimmer has really become our home bar, considering none of us have lived in Manch vegas in the past, they always make us feel like we’re home.


Last week’s sad news that Bill is moving on made us face the hard situation of finding his replacement.  Well, the ball is officially rolling, and we have found our new secret weapon.  After negotiations this week, bassist, vocalist, and all around good fish Eric Stone will be joining the ranks of LKP after the first of the year.  Eric has obligations with his current band One Eye Open through New Years Eve, and we will be getting him up to speed on our stuff along with a bunch of new tunes that always are involved with transitions.  Eric and I played together years ago in the Reactors, timing was in our favor this time around, and Eric was up for the deal.  We are sad to see Bill go, we are happy to see Eric join, and we hope that the transition will be as smooth as in years past.  Don’t be surprised to see a big bald guy hanging around with us, he may just be the new guy you scream song requests at! 


This week’s awards go to:


The forgotten hero award goes to Lyle at Batchelder Brothers tire and auto for hanging around and putting another tire on the band truck.  Thanks for being there!


The best costume use goes to the 2 “dicks” that came up and danced during big balls on Saturday.  Priceless.


The best dinner award goes to the Old Courthouse for providing everything down to the salt and pepper for me to take along with my take out dinner!


The who are you award goes to Stew for being mysterious and costumed up to deceive!


And the narcolepsy award goes to the SO’s that slept off load out in the green room on Saturday.
















Have a great week and see you out this weekend!  Take care and get those snow tires ready!




last kid picked

30 Green Road

Newport, NH 03773





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