Wednesday, September 07, 2005

upcoming lkp dates!

Yowza!  What a great long weekend of gigs!  I was seriously worried that 4 nights in a row, and some different versions of the band might make for the rapid disappearance of my voice, but all seemed to hang together for a great labor day weekend!  It all started with a great night at Whippersnappers on Thursday.  Thursday nights can be hit or miss, but this one was a champ.  Great crowd energy, and a bunch of fun loving folks out on a weeknight to have some fun.  Thanks to Drew, Bob, and all the fantastic ladies from Whips for making the start of our run a killer one!  As Friday approached, we were doing something that the kid has NEVER done before – add a different member for a gig without any practice!  Bassist Rob Gourlay – Gord’s brother, picked up the bass duties so that Willis could spend some extra time with some friends visiting from far far away.  Having any musician sit in for a song or two can happen fairly easily, but learning all of our segues and transitions, and doing it with gusto was a tough thing to do.  I’ve gotta say, that Rob pulled it off like he’d been with us for years!  It doesn’t hurt that the guy is a world class player, but we didn’t have to pass on some of our favorite tunes to play just to make it “easy” for him.  He rose to the challenge, and is officially welcome any time!  As the unofficial 5th  kid, Rob helped us rock the Rusty Nail in Stowe, and have people asking “ is that a new bass player?”  Well, yes he is, and be very afraid of his abilities – as well as his stage antics!  We send out a huge thanks to Rob for making the night a great success, and making us all look really smart for picking him! 

            Friday rolled into Saturday, and my thoughts turned to my voice being worn down by the time we got to the end of the weekend.  I’m not sure how this works, but it got easier to sing every additional night that we did!  It was like breaking the cold out, and then having all the things that were hard for the past couple of weeks just get easier.  Gotta love it when stuff like that happens.  We hit the stage on Saturday night at the Brimmer fully expecting a crazy crowd, and that’s just what we got!  The Brimmer is always busy on the weekends, but it just seemed to be even better energy than usual.  This was true of all the gigs, tons of crowd noise, and just great energy all around.  We had a blast with the folks in Manch-Vegas, and honored some distant travelers from the real Vegas, and hope that they had as much fun with us as we had with them.  my apologies to the line out the door, my line jumping friends need to let me know when they are coming late, so I don’t have to climb out a window in the middle of a song, and serenade them from the street in to the club!  Thanks for giving me a great reason to run around like an idiot, Bill S! 

            The final gig of the weekend was our annual bash at Stew’s place.  In years past, it has been Stewfest, Stewstock, and this year Stewapalooza.  This year was by far the best name choice, because of all the mispronunciations and creative changes that we heard! (more on this in the awards)  with help from our buddy George Gibson who opened the show, we had a blast!  Chicken wing Bob held court with his wings and huge hunk of meat, and all the other foodstuffs that were there were amazing!!  The dinner crowd seemed a little smaller than usual, so we were expecting a quiet night.  Boy were we wrong.  As the sun set, and we started to play, the folks came out of the woodwork!  The beach was packed, and the dancers were going crazy.  Once again, the energy was unbelievable.  Thanks for everything, Stew, Marilyn, and the rest of the beach crew that made it all happen.  From bar dancing to little kids rolling in the sand, it was a great time.


This week hooks us up with a two-fer in Barre at Gusto’s for their pig roast weekend. Come and ride the bull.  Also, get ready for an acoustic night at the Brimmer next week, and a return to the Anchorage in Sunapee for a killer Friday!  Here come the awards and official date stuff!  


This week’s awards go to…


The million dollar baby award goes to Mamma on Thursday for shaking her thing better than a boxer working on the speed bag!


The trained professional on closed road award goes to Rob Gourlay, do not attempt the speed and accuracy with which this man wields his bass!


The champagne room is open award goes to Bill S. for his excellent timing at the crowded door of the Brimmer!


The best name overheard on Sunday was a tie – Stewapalooza = stupid loser = stew’s a big loser = stupid boozer!


And the narcolepsy award goes to the late night crowd at the Red Arrow Diner on Sunday morning – need more sleepy!



















Have a great week, and enjoy the weekend!  We look forward to the chance to make you dance!


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thanks to all, and to all a good night.




last kid picked

30 Green Road

Newport, NH 03773





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